Responding to the increase of residential solar panels, AwnGuard added Residential Solar Panel Cleaning to its service options in 2023. Our dedicated residential cleaning crews are trained for a variety of roofing types, with safety protocols in place and the shared goal to increase energy production. By offering before/after pictures of your solar panels, you can visually see the difference that cleaning will make - but the real benefit will come in the increased energy output. AwnGuard uses a deionized water system, which is the most effective cleaning method, avoiding the addition of unnecessary chemicals into the environment. It’s a win-win!
We also offer
commercial solar panel cleaning services.
Senate Bill 100 (2018) set a renewable goal of 60 percent renewables by 2030 and a longer-term goal of serving 100 percent of California's retail sales and state loads with RPS-certified renewable and zero carbon energy by 2045.